Growth Strategy

Focusing on expanding our unique business model while launching new businesses

Our growth strategy focuses on expanding our unique business model that combines design and development of automatic machines with contract manufacturing to deliver solutions to customers; launching new businesses in the medical, mobility, environment and energy sectors; as well as contributing to digital transformation in manufacturing by expanding sales of systems developed in-house.

Growth strategy01

Expanding our unique business model that combines design and development of automatic machines with contract manufacturing to deliver solutions to customers

Leveraging the unparalleled experience and knowledge of designing and developing sewing machines accumulated over the years, Matsuya R&D has established a unique business model that enables it to steadily supply high-quality products at low cost through contract manufacturing.
In response to challenges such as rising labor wages and worker shortages in the sewing market, as well as changes in the global business environment such as population increases and economic growth, we continue to put this business model into practice as we make the most of our strengths in the design and development of automatic machines and contract manufacturing.

Expanding our unique business model that combines design and development of automatic machines with contract manufacturing to deliver solutions to customers

We will harness the synergy created between the design and development of automatic machines and contract manufacturing to strengthen and expand our business model further.

Automatic machine design and development business
We will open a showroom at our factory in Vietnam, which has used in-house technologies to implement digital transformation, realize traceability, and install cutting-edge equipment, such as error-proofing solutions, in order to promote our technology and expertise to more customers and expand our business operations.
Contract manufacturing business
The Vietnam factory engages in contract manufacturing using cutting-edge production equipment and systems provided at low cost by the Matsuya Innovation Center located right on its premises.Going forward, we will use the same model to operate our factories across the globe with an eye to expanding our operations.
Learn more about our business model

Growth strategy02

Launching new businesses in the medical, mobility, environment and energy sectors

MedicalResponding to the demands of an aging society

In response to the growing rehabilitation needs in an aging society, we will boost the marketing of Luna EMG, a rehabilitation robot equipped with the latest in robotics and electromyography.We will also focus on developing and manufacturing wearable devices to meet the expected increase in demand for nursing care and monitoring applications.

Responding to the demands of an aging society
Responding to the demands of an aging society

MobilityInitiatives for next-generation mobility business

Enhancing safety is a must for the practical application of drones for delivery services, something that has already begun to be introduced overseas, as well as flying vehicles (known as eVTOL or UAM), for which test flights have begun.
Matsuya R&D has developed an airbag for large drones using its long-established automotive airbag manufacturing technology and obtained patents in Europe, the United States, China, and Japan.We are also developing airbag-equipped drone housing at the Matsuya Innovation Center (MIC) located at our Vietnamese subsidiary.

We are filing patents for the airbag for drones.

Name of invention: Control Method for Drone with Airbag, and Drone with Airbag
Patent No.: 3744639
Designated Countries: Germany, UK, France
Name of invention: Control Method for Drone with Airbag, and Drone with Airbag
Patent No.: ZL 201880085818.4
Publication No.: CN11629966B
We are filing patents for the airbag for drones.

NEWEnvironment and EnergyApplying long-established technology and expertise to new fields

We plan to expand our business horizons beyond the medical and mobility sectors, which we have been focusing on, to make inroads into the environment and energy sectors that are currently in the spotlight.
We will announce our efforts in these new areas as we move forward.

Applying long-established technology and expertise to new fields

Growth strategy03

Developing production management systems optimally designed for shop floor operations and expanding their sales to help customers implement digital transformation

Matsuya R&D has built its own production management system, the VTT Platform, to meet the high standards of controls required for safety components such as airbags.
Conventionally, information is recorded on paper or manually input into a computer system, but the VTT Platform uses the IoT to automatically collect accurate information.
This not only relieves shop floor workers of the recording task, but also enables them to visualize site operations, strictly control inventory quantities, and eliminate errors in the production process through the use of accurate information.Going forward, we will bring our system to more customers to help them make the most of their digital transformation.

Developing production management systems optimally designed for shop floor operations and expanding their sales to help customers implement digital transformation

Integrated management of everything from raw materials, production processes, and quality to shipping via a cloud-based control server

Integrated management of everything from raw materials, production processes, and quality to shipping via a cloud-based control server