Growth Strategy
Matsuya R&D is a company handling challenges from 50 & 100 years in the future, today.
We aim to grow by expanding our unique business model, launching new businesses in the medical, mobility, as well as environmental/energy sectors, and expanding sales of the systems we have developed in-house.
About Our Business
Leveraging our long track record in the sewing machine industry, as well as our expertise and advanced automation and labor-saving technologies, we employ a unique business model that combines the design and development of original automatic machines with contract manufacturing using these machines.Working at the crossroads of automatic machine sales and contract manufacturing, we are uniquely positioned to meet customers’ exact needs.

Achievements as Production Contractor
We have helped over 200 companies from 20 countries.
Focus Areas
We aim to further expand our business area in the medical and mobility sectors, where demand from society will increase in the future.

We are streamlining the manufacturing of medical protective clothing and hygiene products to facilitate a shift to domestic production. We also provide rehabilitation robots to help solve problems facing healthcare practitioners, such as labor shortages.

With over 30 years of experience in automobile interior components, we are committed to creating a safer and more comfortable automotive society.In recent years, we have been focusing on the development of airbag-equipped drone housing for added safety.